Message from the CEO of The Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra, Louis Heyneman
Our donors are extremely important to us. The CPO relies on your goodwill and financial support to ensure our long-term sustainability. In addition, your support helps to fund our comprehensive outreach and educational programmes aimed at nurturing the professional musicians of tomorrow and developing new audiences. This page is dedicated to our trusted partners and friends.
Message from the Chairman of The Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra Board, Derek Auret
“Orchestras world-wide depend on public, individual and corporate sponsorships. Your support is vital to continue performing live classical music to all the communities of the Western Cape and beyond. For this we thank and salute you.”
Click here to download a donation
The Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra’s many strong partnerships, collaborations and supporters show that together we can make a difference to the communities we serve. We are proud to call these individuals, corporates, trust and foundations friends of the CPO as we continue to strive to enrich through music the lives of young people denied the opportunity in past years, offer performance and career opportunities and achieve our artistic and outreach goals by taking outstanding music to new fields. The CPO salutes those who believe in our mission.
The CPO is particularly grateful for generous gifts in the times of the pandemic from:
Wendy Ackerman David and Rochelle Bloomberg and the estate of the late David Bloomberg *The Duet Endowment Trust * Dr Chris Eedes * Friends of Orchestral Music * Wolfgang and Hannelore Haupt * The Richard Wagner Society of South Africa * Ton and Anet Vosloo
Partners (Cumulative since 2001. Donors listed in alphabetical order)
Chairman’s Circle (R5m and more)
Andrew Mellon Foundation
City of Cape Town
Duet Endowment Trust
Erica Manning Estate
Fynbos Trust
Kirsh Foundation
National Arts Council (NAC/DAC/DSAC)
National Lottery Commission (NLC) uim
Die Rupert-Musiekstigting
Ton Vosloo
Wendy Ackerman
Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS)
(R1 000 000 to R4 999 999)
Ackerman Family Trust * Albert Wessels Trust * Anet Pienaar * Anglo American * Anonymous (3) * Anonymous Family Trust *Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne * Caro Wiese *Dr Chris Eedes * Christoff Pauw (in kind) * Distell Foundation * E Masterton Estate * Erich Bossard Estate * Friends of Orchestral Music * Graham and Rhona Beck Foundation * Herring Trust *Joan St Leger Lindbergh Charitable Trust * The Kove Collection (Good Hope Beverages) * Lorenzo and Stella Chiappini Charitable Trust * MariaMarina Foundation * Open Society Foundation – SA * Oppenheimer * Memorial Trust * Oscar van Oordt Estate * Philip Schock Charitable and Educational Foundation *Robin Hamilton * Rolf-Stephan Nussbaum Foundation * SAMRO Foundation * Sanlam
(R500 000 to R999 000)
* A & M Pevsner Charitable Trust * Alexander Valentin *Aware Foundation *The David Graaff Foundation *Investec Trusts *Josephine Fine * Lorna Vosloo Trust * Mauerberger Foundation Fund * Michael Blersch Estate * Nikola Nel * R B Hagart Trust * Stella and Paul Loebenstein Charitable and Education Trust (second)
(R100 000 to R499 000)
Allen Ambor & Family * AM Goosen Estate * Anonymous * Aon South Africa * Appletiser (in kind) * Aramax (Berco Express) * Artscape * Australian High Commisssion * Aviva Pelham & Paul Sulcas * Dr Axel Horvath/proCAPEriccio (Germany) * Azriel & Josephine Fine * B H Kotze Estate * Ben & Shirley Rabinowitz Foundation * Blastrite/Erakis Investment * Bloomberg PL * Business Arts South Africa (BASA) * Cape Gate * Cape Union Mart/Philip Krawitz * Caroline van Zyl * David & Rochelle Bloomberg * De Beers * Deon Knobel * E L Kotze * Dr Ellen Ancker * Fine Music Radio/Music Tots * Gabriele & Isabella James (Ford Foundation) *Gerlinde Moser Re/Max Living * GM Steyn Trust * GS van Niekerk * Hannelore & the late Wolfgang Haupt * HCI Foundation * Herbert Glöckner * Hintze Family Charitable Foundation (UKFC) * The Hermann Ohlthaver Trust *Prof Hubert van der Spuy * Hyman Goldberg Foundation * Kraft Foods (in kind) * Leo & Patricia Fine Foundation * MAID Foundation * MPDV Mikrolab GMBH * Nancy & Michael van Breda * Parklands College * PC Theron Estate * Pick ‘n Pay * PSG Wealth Hermanus * PriceWaterhouseCoopers – (in kind)* Remgro * Rotary Constantia *Sean and Fiona Baumann (St Ola’s Trust) * Susman Charitable Trust * Countess Sylvia Labia/Estate of Count Labia * Schmidhauser Group * Solomon Family Foundation * Steven Nussbaum Estate * Stonehage Fleming Charitable Trust * Trencor * Vodacom Foundation *Woolworths Trust * Wurth Finance
(R50 000 – R99 999)
AA Newman Charitable Trust * ACSA * Ackerman Family Educational Trust *African Centre for HIV/Aids Management * Andros Boutique Hotel (in kind) * Anon *Azriel & Moyra Fine Foundation * brandhouse * Mrs DV Johnson * Dorothy Malan * Folio Online * François Cilliers * Gisela Lange Trust * Le Lude MCC/Nic Barrow Family Trust * Lennart S Plougmann & Careen Bernstein * Louis Heyneman * Marlene von Dürckheim * Pam Golding Properties * Richard Wagner Society of South Africa * Strauss Foundation * Suzanne Ackerman *Van Ewijck Stigting
(R10 000 – R49 999)
Anon * Alex Barnard * Alissa Margulis * Alma Finch * Altron Anonymous (2) * Anonymous (in memory of Mrs Rupert) * Anonymous (in loving memory of Rosanna Strauss) * AO Purcell Estate * Austrian Consulate General * E/L BH Kotze *Ben & Rosemary Griesel * Bernhard Gueller * Bill van Rensburg * Brian Dix-Hart Estate * Canaham Trust * Cape300 Foundation * Carole Hambleton-Moser & Jerry Moser * Cedric Reid * Dr Chris Eedes & Patrick Laraby * Church Street & Antique Market * Coronation Asset Management * Consol Glass * D&S Franklin * Delia Scott * Dr Des Fernandes * DK Little * Eddy Oblowitz (in memory of Sydney & Sara Oblowitz) * Eliot & Myra Osrin Trust *Errol Anstey * Farida Bacharova * Francois du Toit * Frank & Gail Reuvers * Freddie Hirsh * Fritz & Graciele Kõrte * FW de Klerk Foundation * Gabriele von Dürckheim * Gaye Youngelson * Giuseppe Ciucci * GM Miller *Graham McIntosh *In memory of Hans Witthoft * Helen Boonzaaier *Henk Rubidge * Hippo Boutique Hotel (in kind) * H Mahomed * Ian & Elmarie Neilson *Isidore Theresa & Ronald Cohen Charitable Trust * Jayne Hunter-Rhys & Dr Charl du Toit *JB O’Regan *JD Orr *Jean-Louis Bertin Estate * Jill Winter to honour Theodore Kuchar * Klaus & Cornelia Schilling * Larry Smulowitz * Len van Zyl * Leo Gevisser * Lisa White * Lorraine Forbes * Luminaire * Marion Lahann Testamentary Trust * in memory of MB (Thys) Greeff * Michael Brauer * MUA Insurance * New Apostolic Church * Nhlanhla E Fologowe * Oscar van Oordt * Patricia & Leonard Smith * Peter Martens * Peter Voss * Petrus Coetzee * R&L Architects *Raymond Ackerman Family Education Trust * Robin Crawford & Francois Marais * Rotary Cape Town * Rotary Hout Bay * Rotary Signal Hill * Ruth Allen * Shill Trust * SS Folb Estate * Steve & Janice Golding * Sybil Whiteman-Morris *
Suzanne Martens * To honour Dr Theo Rousseau * Dr T Lachman & Nancy Krisch * V&A Waterfront * Vetta Wise & José De Oliveira * Weston Sprott * Willem & Susan Bührmann * W Thijse Estate
Steinway Key Sponsors R18 000
Allen Ambor & Family* Amanda Katz Architects* Anonymous (4 keys)* In memory of Azriel Fine (2) In memory of Beatrice de Kock* Ben Rabinowitz (8 keys)* * Bill van Rensburg * Brian Swart* Carien Ras * Caroline van Zyl (3 keys)* Dr Chris Eedes* Clandice and Phyllis Stein In memory of Clive William Blaiklock * David and Rochelle Bloomberg* In memory of David Brokensha * Derek Auret* In memory of Erik Chisholm * Ettienne Koekemoer * Faan and Kim Malan* Gordon Johnson* Gus Robins* Hanne and Wolfgang Haupt* *In memory of Jean Louis Bertin* In memory of Jenny Rogan (2 keys) (Allister Rogan; Helen Boonzaier)* Joan St Leger Lindbergh Charitable Trust (3) * Kirsh Foundation (8 keys)* The Kove Collection (5 keys)* Le Lude* Louis Heyneman * Margot Gawith* Maria-Jose Pascual * Mariki Chin * Marietha Mostert * In memory of Mina Smulowitz* Nicholas Ackerman* Nancy and Michael van Breda * Nikola Nel* Dr NJ Nel* Pam Golding* Philip Krawitz/Cape Union Mart* Raymond Ackerman * Richard Berger* Robin Crawford * Rupert Pardoe ( 2 keys) * Ruth Allen * In memory of Sara Pascall * Shirley Parkfelt * In memory of Solly Marks * In memory of Sona and Michael Whiteman* Suzanne Ackerman- Berman (5 keys)* Ton and Anet Vosloo (2 keys)* WA (Sandy) Bean* Wendy Ackerman * Sybil Whiteman-Morris * Phillip Zietsman
(R1 – R9 999)
A and Y Galombik Charity Trust* H Adonis* L Abel* G Albert* Lynette Alexander * Hugh Amoore and Kate Brown * Anon (24) * Charles Atkins *Glenda and Selwyn Atlas* T Aluko* Derek Auret and Karinina Ingweson-Auret * David Barne * Sandy Bean * Bellville Moravian Church* Eddie Benhacine * D Binnerman* Black Olive Entertainment* AP Blignaut* Karen Blignault * J Bloch / S Pollack* JI Bloch* Ruth Bloch * Mary Bock * Jurgen & Silke Bockholt* B Bohle* * Jopie Bosman * Franco Bossi * Jacques Botha * G I (Kyle) Bowman * M Bosazza* Kyle Bowman * N Brand* Jenny Bredenkamp * David Brice * F Broeze* Robert Brookes* J Brooks* K E Brown * Michael and Elizabeth Brown * Denzil and Fifi Burger * J and J Burns * Jane Bursey and Prof. Doug Young * Avigail Bushakevitz* Simon Cammies * Rolf Canto * Estate Late Sonja Canto * Cape Classic* Fiona Chisholm * Barbara Churms* Dr Pieter L Cilliers* Classics For All* Cleaver* Dr Marinus Cloete * Christine Coates* Alastair and Margaret Cockburn * Petrus Coetzee * Cathy Cohen* Jilly Cohen and Pieter van Dongen * Leon Combrinck and Geré Victor PB Copelyn* *Ian Craggs * Robin Crawford and Francois Marais * Shaun Crawford * G Dahl* Roland Darroll/Val Heard *Dennis Davis* Karien de Waal * Louise Deans * Alan Dickson * Jill Dower * BL Dreyer* Michael and Andrea Dunn* V Elder * A Ellenbogen* Essack Esvat* Saskia Emary * Ernst Engelbrecht * Dr Tjaardt and Anna Erasmus * Anita Ferreira * J G Field * Irina Filatova *Lynette Findlay * Jutta Fitzmaurice * Dr Hans Fransen* JA Freeth* J Freislich * Ian Friedlander * Gill Gallo* * Alison and Ken Garlick * Dr Leon Geffen* J Gerber* German School* German School Ulm* Bev Gillespie * Herbert Gloeckner* Pam Golding* Peter Golding * Derek Goosen * John Gosling * Penelope Gracie * Steven Good and Murray von Hirschberg * Dawn Goodman* Harris & Tessa Gordon* J Gray* Bernhard and Shirley Gueller to honour Ben Rabinowitz* Pauline Hall * Elizabeth Handley * Tinka Haldane * Helderberg Village * C Hellaby * Ben and Hendrina Herbst * Lester Hoffman and Anne Bernberg * Hospice Palliative Care Association* Melodie Hougaard * Houtkapperspoort* Peter and Rose Hyslop * Hiersh Idesis* Deon Irish* Pete Janisch* Dr MC Jansen van Rensburg-Weideman * Malcolm and Rosemarie Jones * R Kadalie* Gail Kagan * Anton Katz* D Katz* Marc Katzwinkel * Glyn Kenyon * Cyril Kern* Susan Kidson * Caroline Kingdon* Kingswood College* Kyle Kleinsmith * Pikkie Klose * Gillian Knight * Pieter Koornhof * Fritz and Graciela Korte *WJ Kotze* *Michael and Nina Kovensky * Anthony Kuhnert * Anne Lamb and Veronica White * Mike Larcombe * G M Law* Denis and Mary Anne Le Jeune * Stefan le Roux * Talitha le Sueur * Pam Lloyd and Ian Scott * James Loock * Andries and Alet Louw *Hannchen Louw * P Louw* Rabeen Lutchman * Lynn and Donson* Laura McDonald * Andrew McKenzie * AR MacKinley* Janet Manca *Linde Muller * Murray and Roberts* Musikanti* G N Nader * Reinhard and Erika Naumann * D D Nick* Oaten and Gaverna* J B O’Regan * Myra Osrin *Paarl Media* Patricia Palmer * Patrick Palmer * Pauw* Colin Peckham * Shirley Penny * Petro Vorster Physiotherapy * Bill and Joy Phelps * Bertie Phillips * Christian Planckermann * Planet Prod (Cavendish)* Herman Poelmann * Sally Pooler * Martin Pretorius * Paulla Primich * Pub Quiz participants * Kathleen Quinton * Sue Quirk * Patricia Rademeyer * Reddam House Constantia College music students and friends * Beth Reitz/Gretchen Carpenter * Jocelyne Ritchie * Penny Rivett-Carnac * Hylton and Ilse Roberts * Allister Rogan *Jacques Roux *Mr/Ms Rubenstein * Patty St. Leger * H J Salaman * Donald Sales *Derek Salter * Ronaldo Sasson* Patricia Schonstein * Tessa Schreuder* Gail Schrire * Nora See * Janet Seggie * Robert Seggie * * Anthea Serritslev * Petra Sieblist * Grant Shapiro *Shirley Sieglaar* MC Silbert* Dalene Smit * Sue & George Smith* Larry Smulowitz * PG Soal * Rosalind and Johnny Spears * Jacquie Spiers *Rod Stevens and Herman Grabow * Bert Stafford *Emily Stanwix * Henry Steyn * Mr and Mrs Stoddard * Strauss and Co (in kind) * Dixie Strong* Daria Survé * Simon Susman* E Suter * M Swersky* J Theron* Willem Thijsse* John Tosh * John Traash * TSIBA Business School * P Tucker/ G Dickason* U3A * Dr Ronald Uijs *Unilux* USA Embassy* Bill van der Poll *François van Niekerk * Hannlore van Ryneveld * Janet van Tonder *Roal van Zyl Smit * Vernon* NJ Violett* Colin Visser * S Visser* Gabriele von Dürckheim *Gary and Shelley Voss * In memory of David -Meir Weisser * Westerford High School* Russ Whalley * P Whitelock* Cyril and Joy Wilken * S R Williams * Nick Winearls and Rosemary Saunders * Belinda Walker * Clint Walker* Tiara Walters * Peter and Lyn Watkins * A Watson * Andre Weideman* Melodie Wessels * Mike White * Martin Witternberg *Carin Wiese * Cara Winterbottom * D Wolfaardt* Lesley Wolfaardt * David Wolfe and Kathy Cohen *Brian and Marilyn Young * Erica Zimet
CPYO Scholarship sponsors
Alma Finch* All Music* Ben Rabinowitz* Distell Foundation* Friends of Orchestral Music* Fritz von Seggern* Gisela Lange Music* Jean Jooste* Marshall Music Cape Town* Mr & Mrs Moodley* University of Stellenbosch
CPO Endowment Trust: Orchestra Angels
Ben Rabinowitz* Caroline van Zyl* Hanneli Rupert* Johann & Gaynor Rupert* Josephine Fine* N Kirsh* Gys Steyn Family Trust* * Wendy Ackerman
The CPO applauds those concertgoers and supporters who generously and quickly donated the value of their season tickets for both the Autumn and Winter seasons to the CPO and in some cases much more in response to our situation. We are particularly grateful to those who are making a generous monthly donation, and to the artists who have waived or reduced their fee and to South African artist Marlene von Dürckheim for the gift of a second painting which was auctioned by Strauss Fine Arts, who took no commission. A painting was also donated by Don Glass. All donors have been incorporated in the cumulative list that follows in the correct categories (please let us know of any anomalies to The CPO is particularly grateful for generous gifts in the times of the pandemic from:
Wendy Ackerman David and Rochelle Bloomberg and the estate of the late David * Bloomberg *The Duet Endowment Trust * Dr Chris Eedes * Friends of Orchestral Music * Wolfgang and Hannelore Haupt * The Richard Wagner Society of South Africa * Ton and Anet Vosloo